Monday, March 14, 2016

Finding the right the Car

My son and I have been looking for a project to build together. After much debating and consideration a  BMW 2002 series fit the bill. The cool factor is high and the initial cost is reasonable.

I knew very little about these cars before taking the plunge, and the more I get to know the more I like. They have the retro look and feel as well as an understated performance, particularly when they first showed up on the scene.
This project is intended to be a fun project that will neither break the bank or be an all out drifting machine.
Classic,Retro,Reliable,European with a nod to Performance...So the search began.

After driving 10 hours round trip we were disappointed by a highly praised, extremely rusted example of a 2002, I was expecting rust but this was extreme. The $3000.00 asking price was outrageous and... no surprise the owner has given up trying to sell.

 We found our example just an hour away and literally sitting in a junkyard ! 

Wow, What have we gotten our selves into?